This is the sixth, and penultimate, installment of the essay series, Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates and Apologists. These essays are a study of the vaccine debate itself, using historical mortality questions as the focal point of this analysis. Here are the links to all the installments:
Another thorough beat-down of the decepticonartists.
That Anna Kata's article has been cited "by roughly 700 other publications" is a fine example of (mis)informational daisy chains of dubious merit so prevalent in our flowering idiocracy.
As you clearly show, the logarithmic-scale-vertical-axis trick is so stunningly effective in fooling both the innumerate and the unobservant, perhaps the phrase "lies, damn lies and statistics" should be upgraded to "lies, damn lies, statistics and graphs".
It could well be said that any line on such a graph represents apples at one point, oranges the next, followed by bananas, etc ... such that any line in its entirety is representational of an infinite number of fruit. The marks, of course, perceive it simply as apples or simply oranges — essentially unaware of what they're actually looking at. Such an elegant deception.
Because of how much they apply to vaccine evangelism, the truncating/framing/cherry-picking mis-representational manipulations involved in the presentation of data/graphs reminds me of lines I wrote referring to the corrupt cabal-media ... from :
Another thorough beat-down of the decepticonartists.
That Anna Kata's article has been cited "by roughly 700 other publications" is a fine example of (mis)informational daisy chains of dubious merit so prevalent in our flowering idiocracy.
As you clearly show, the logarithmic-scale-vertical-axis trick is so stunningly effective in fooling both the innumerate and the unobservant, perhaps the phrase "lies, damn lies and statistics" should be upgraded to "lies, damn lies, statistics and graphs".
It could well be said that any line on such a graph represents apples at one point, oranges the next, followed by bananas, etc ... such that any line in its entirety is representational of an infinite number of fruit. The marks, of course, perceive it simply as apples or simply oranges — essentially unaware of what they're actually looking at. Such an elegant deception.
Because of how much they apply to vaccine evangelism, the truncating/framing/cherry-picking mis-representational manipulations involved in the presentation of data/graphs reminds me of lines I wrote referring to the corrupt cabal-media ... from :
"disposed to follow
the unspoken policy of opposing
the exposing of anything outside
the highly zoomed-in image
the narrowly focused shot;
obliged to abide by the editorial given
that honest context is and will be cropped
and that if not explicitly approved
allusions to history are implicitly forbidden"
Thank you! Yes, the:
" the highly zoomed-in image
the narrowly focused shot"
is the deception of choice -- war propaganda, vaccine propaganda, slick political campaigns, they all resort to it.
💕💕💕Thank you!