Thanks for yet another thorough, clear and cogent essay.

You've really done a great job of showing that what vaccinationists lack in intelligence, logic and skill, they clearly make up for in brazen dishonesty.

If deconstructing their transparent bunk is like shooting fish in a barrel, shining a light on Melanie Mallon's spectacular ineptitude is almost embarrassingly so; no wonder you left it out.

Worth repeating: "The vaccine evangelist messages are so far removed from reality that most of the vaccine apologists do not even attempt to defend them and instead spend all their time rerouting conversations, conflating distinct ideas, engaging in shameless projection, gaslighting, and even going so far as to outright deny that their side has been preaching the messages that they are still preaching."

Re: measles ...“They’ve been generating impressive sounding numbers of lives saved by running simulations on models for years.” — Just like the “climate” models … garbage in, garbage out!

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I am heartened by the increasing number of people I am meeting who are anti-jab and anti-vaxx, but there are still so many who continue to run around in masks.

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Incredible work, Jordan. Thank you for the insight you provide on apologists' playbooks.

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